Black and White Darkened Before

Black and White Darkened After
  • Grayscale
  • Curve adjustment
  • Spot healing
  • Lens corrections
  • Dodge clothes
  • Spot healing man
  • Crop
  • Dodge
  • Burn background
  • Dodge
  • Burn
  • Sharpen man
  • Spot healing
  • Dodge man
  • Burn man
  • Dodge background
  • Burn clothes
  • Spot healing clothes
  • Spot healing
  • Burn man
  • Spot healing man
  • Burn man
  • Spot healing man
  • Dodge man

Damaged in Frame Before

Damaged in Frame After
  • Grayscale
  • Curve adjustment
  • Spot healing
  • Burn clothes and face
  • Dodge clothes, face, and hair
  • Burn background
  • Spot healing
  • Blurring harsh edges
  • Burn ear
  • Spot healing edges of the image
  • Crop
  • Spot healing edges
  • Sharpen white lines
  • Sharpening boy
  • Spot healing
  • Smudge background
  • Spot healing background

Dark Wedding Photo Before

Dark Wedding Photo After
  • Resize
  • Crop
  • Curve adjustment
  • Dodge people and candle
  • Spot healing chair
  • Patch stair
  • Spot healing stairs
  • Dodge stairs
  • Spot healing candle out of photo
  • Spot healing floor
  • Crop
  • Spot healing floor
  • Burn background
  • Red eye fix
  • Blur pixelated areas
  • Burn
  • Dodge veil and woman
  • Burn veil
  • Spot healing stair
  • Dodge stair
  • Burn stair
  • Burn face

Delphosks1890s Before

Delphosks1890s After
  • Grayscale
  • Perspective
  • Curve adjustment
  • Dodge house
  • Burn third building
  • Spot healing ground
  • Curve adjustment
  • Burn building porch covers
  • Dodge words
  • Spot healing ground near words
  • Sharpen tool on the words
  • Dodge words
  • Burn fourth house
  • Burn left side
  • Burn buildings
  • Spot healing
  • Dodge buildings
  • Sharpen
  • Dodge
  • Burn
  • Dodge
  • Spot healing building words
  • Dodge
  • Burn building
  • Dodge building
  • Burn building
  • Spot healing background
  • Burn
  • Spot healing building
  • Dodge
  • Burn
  • Blur background
  • Burn building
  • Spot healing background

Lost Color Image Before

Lost Color Image After
  • Blur
  • Sharpen face
  • Dodge
  • Spot healing
  • Dodge face
  • Burn
  • Dodge
  • Spot healing
  • Mixer brush on background
  • Dodge hair
  • Burn face
  • Spot healing background
  • Dodge dress
  • Burn background
  • Spot healing hair
  • Burn background

Mayflower Cabin Door Before

Mayflower Cabin Door After
  • Resize
  • Red-eye heal
  • Burn background
  • Curve adjustment
  • Crop
  • Spot healing chair and table
  • Smudge left corner
  • Burn
  • Smudge left corner

Perspective Baby Before

Perspective Baby After
  • Perspective
  • Crop
  • Perspective
  • Lens corrections
  • Crop
  • Grayscale
  • Curve adjustment
  • Spot healing
  • Dodge baby
  • Burn
  • Sharpen and burn words
  • Spot healing
  • Dodge
  • Sharpen baby
  • Curve adjustment
  • Dodge baby

Photo Restoration Before

Photo Restoration After
  • Grayscale
  • Spot healing
  • Curve adjustment
  • Spot healing
  • Crop
  • Spot healing
  • Patch healing hair
  • Spot healing
  • Burn background
  • Dodge
  • Burn baby
  • Sharpen baby
  • Spot healing
  • Patch eye
  • Spot healing
  • Patch tool
  • Sharpen baby
  • Burn baby
  • Dodge baby
  • Burn baby
  • Spot healing
  • Burn baby
  • Spot healing baby
  • Burn
  • Dodge baby
  • Burn baby
  • Spot healing baby
  • Dodge baby
  • Spot healing baby
  • Dodge baby
  • Burn baby
  • Dodge baby
  • Burn
  • Spot healing
  • Burn baby
  • Spot healing
  • Burn pillow
  • Spot healing pillow

Restore Old Photo Before

Restore Old Photo After
  • Grayscale
  • Spot healing
  • Curve adjustment
  • Spot healing
  • Sharpen baby face
  • Dodge background and outfits
  • Burn baby sleeve
  • Crop
  • Burn background
  • Dodge people and background
  • Burn shadows on people
  • Spot healing
  • Burn background
  • Spot healing
  • Sharpened faces
  • Spot healing on their faces and clothes
  • Spot healing
  • Burn people
  • Spot healing face

Retouch Damaged Photo Before

Retouch Damaged Photo After
  • Grayscale
  • Lens corrections
  • Crop
  • Spot healing
  • Burn face
  • Dodge face
  • Burn face
  • Dodge face
  • Burn face
  • Spot healing face
  • Dodge face
  • Blur face
  • Curve adjustment
  • Spot healing face
  • Blur and sharpen eyes
  • Spot healing eyes
  • Burn face
  • Dodge face
  • Spot healing hair
  • Dodge face
  • Spot healing
  • Burn clothes
  • Spot healing

Torn Photo Before

Torn Photo After
  • Grayscale
  • Curve adjustment
  • Spot healing
  • Lens corrections
  • Crop
  • Lens corrections
  • Crop
  • Spot healing baby
  • Burn background
  • Spot healing
  • Sharpen words and eyes
  • Burn baby
  • Dodge baby
  • Burn
  • Dodge
  • Spot healing words
  • Spot healing